
275 Curry Hollow Rd, Suite 220 , Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Police, Ambulance, or Fire Emergency: 911
Police Non-Emergency: 412-655-5045
Pleasant Hills Police Department
Chief: Brian Finnerty
The Mission of the Pleasant Hills Police Department is to insure, to the greatest extent, the safety and security of our borough residents and businesses. This involves not only the traditional approach to law enforcement, but also an aggressive Community Oriented Policing Program. Fostering a strong police-community partnership not only builds a positive relationship between the police department and the community, but also serves as a critical ingredient in both crime detection and crime prevention.
Department Organization
From its inception in 1947, the Pleasant Hills Police Department has defined its goal as providing the finest in protection and service to the community. Striving to maintain these principles, the department utilizes computerized record keeping so as to have the most current information possible. This is a benefit to the residents and the business community alike.
In a small department each officer wears many hats. While our primary function is patrol, each officer investigates complaints and prepares an initial report. The officer will then investigate the report gathering information and evidence that may result in an arrest. For more complicated cases the Criminal Investigator will assume the lead and direct the investigation toward its resolution.
Traffic related issues constitute a concerted effort from the patrol force. Investigating over 400 traffic accidents a year requires special attention in the areas of vehicle Code enforcement and traffic safety data analysis. Utilizing accident reconstruction procedures, speed monitors and speed detection devices, officers are able to address these issues. Two major state highways and nearly 400 businesses bring tens of thousands of cars through our borough each day. Monitoring problematic locations and strict enforcement of traffic laws serve to provide the safest possible motoring environment.
Being cognizant of the dangers in today's society, officers have been trained in Critical Incident Management and respond to dangerous situations that may occur in our schools or workplaces. Working closely with fifteen other surrounding departments and in conjunction with the South Hills Area Council of Governments, we have established a strategy to deal with these issues. Doing everything possible to provide a safe learning environment for our children is of paramount importance.
While the department consists of both Operations and Staff Services division,. each work In conjunction to augment the other. Judicious allocation of personnel and departmental resources enable officers to provide patrol coverage, take a pro-active approach to problem solving, investigate crimes and accidents and offer community programs and events.